Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

American Civil War: Sun Aries-Moon Taurus

Having just published a column on the Civil War, I thought you might be interested on this, the 150th anniversary, of its outbreak. The war’s midpoint pictures and information on Hidden Hands behind the war are included.

One astrological placement I neglected to add to the above post is that of the Moon which was at 15Tau36 in 2nd house. The horoscope used is set for Charleston, SC at 4:30 am LMT (first shot fired) on April 12, 1861 with military sign Pisces rising.

’15Tau’ is the Oxen Point of the Zodiac so I must mention the beastliness of what our men and women physically suffered through death, disease, deprivation, and the general misery of war as brother fought against brother, cousin v cousin.

Let’s take a peek at the war’s Sun-Moon combination for a few hints on the atmosphere of the day and thus of the war itself with the Sun in Mars-ruled Aries; this is a Fire-Earth blend that denotes ‘scorched earth’ – the policy used most effectively here in Georgia by Gen. Sherman’s March to the Sea.

Sun Ari-Moon Tau energies are intuitive yet pragmatic, diplomatic yet tactless, and energetic, ambitious, and confident. It knows how to get things done, is a blend of conservativism with radicalism, and it hates hypocrisy. (Though human nature means that one’s own hypocrisy is often given a pass.)

This is an entrepreneurial combo, a player of stock markets (Taurus the Bull), and a merchant adventurer with a natural understanding of finances. (Click above link to read of the war’s international financiers!)

This blend seems to wind up ‘running the show’ (or the war?) and is deeply possessive; it uses a mailed-fist-in-velvet-glove approach.

“Images for Integration: An explorer practices the violin in a jungle clearing…Having won an arduous race, the champion sits down to a gourmet meal.” (Sun Sign-Moon Sign. Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

The Sun Ari-Moon Tau blend is shared natally by author Washington Irving (1783 – 1859) who famously admonished us that, “A tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use.”

Point taken! And yet it seems in 2011 that the weapons of war are kept sharp for constant use by war profiteers and their handmaidens at the Pentagon and in the US Congress.

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