Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Darrell Issa’s Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo

You’ve seen Politico‘s current feature on Darrel Issa’s list of investigations into the Obama administration once the 112th Congress opens on Wednesday January 5, 2011.

It’s like the GOP vs Bill Clinton all over again and broadcaster Thom Hartmann has said that if the Rs can distract the people for long enough, they can hide the fact that the GOP has no new ideas for moving the country forward. I must concur with Mr. Hartmann though I sincerely believe that moving the country toward fascism is closer to Washington’s intention.

As of January 5th, Mr. Issa will be chairman of the ‘top oversight committee’ in Congress which grumps me up no end for if Congress hadn’t vacated its oversight duties years ago we might not be in the financial mess we’re in, yet Issa is passionately itching to use the congressional ‘oversight’ function to plague and undermine the GOP’s political opponents prior to the 2012 presidential campaign!

Issa has called the Obama administration “one of the most corrupt ever” as if other adminstrations have been pussycats and Congress is lily white – puh-leese!

Where was Issa when the US financial system needed oversight? Or during the lied-into-wars of Bush-Cheney fought on credit card? Actually Issa was one of the culprits cheerleading for Washington’s one-world-government plan which requires endless war and financial collapse.

Issa’s Wikipedia bio gives details on this particular Republican bigwig, if you’re interested.

An Astro-Peek

Darrell Issa was born in Cleveland, Ohio on November 1, 1953 when the Sun was in the range of 8Sco29 – 9Sco29 and Moon 7Vir54 – 19Vir43 during the 24-hour period of his birth date. Let’s take a peek at his personality bwo his Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo blend, a practical Water-Earth combination of energies.

Sun Sco-Moon Vir indicates passion and piety, ‘Mary and Martha’, and a hardworking, quiet dedication. There are tendencies toward biting criticism, relentless perfectionism, and organizing ability.

Here is a “veritable dynamo of well-planned and strategically executed industry” say Charles and Suzi Harvey in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign. The Images for Integration given are as follows:

“A scientist probes into the mysteries of the cosmos…An artist combines simplicity with intensity in a study of still life.”

He also probes into the mysterious ways of the Democratic Party.

On the negative side of Sun Sco-Moon Vir, we see a narrowness of outlook, an arrogance which assumes that, if he can think them up, he is entitled to rewrite the rules (!), and a conscious aggression which emerges as biting and destructive criticism (as noted above.)

Pardon, but the negative side sounds like a typical Republican to me, and a few Democrats as well.

So! Mr. Issa’s personality seems to be a perfect fit to advance the GOP agenda to ‘rewrite’ the rules of what the Rs tiresomely calls ‘Obamacare’ and for other costly delights as vicious party politics again trump addressing the needs and doing the business of the American people.


Note on Congress: 2008 figures show that there are 237 Millionaires in Congress and I assume that there must be even more of them now.

Update Jan 5, 2011: for a fuller picture of Mr. Issa’s way of doing business, you may be interested in a blog called Issa Exposed.

(Hat tip to Alex D’Atria for the blog link.)


Read more of my astro-notes concerning the opening of the 112th Congress on Jan 5, 2011, if you dare, for America’s ‘sacred warrior’ is rising.

2 Responses

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  1. Thnx for the Like, Julie, and for commenting!

    Agreed, the so-called health ‘care’ reform did not go far enough and as such is too lukewarm to do what was touted. Issa and his colleagues aren’t focused on the American people and the dire situations Washington has plunked us in, but on their political prospects and an overarching agenda (nwo) that few Americans would agree with if they took it seriously.

    My fret is that the “Great Awakening” will be just that: people waking up to what’s been done to our nation and the freedoms we have left…and it will be too late. jc


    Jude Cowell

    January 4, 2011 at 11:36 pm

  2. Hi Jude! Well said–and as always, disturbing. ‘Obamacare’ didn’t go far enough, as far as I’m concerned (I think we need a govt run option in order to actually make private companies compete). I’m all for requiring Congress to give up their special plan and seek health care with the rest of us–maybe that will add compassion to the health care vocabulary.



    January 4, 2011 at 11:11 pm

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