Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

US Moon Return tonight 10.27.09

Tonight at 10:05:47 pm edt over the White House, the US natal Moon returns to her natal degree: 27AQ10 in the Sibly chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia.)

Our freedom-loving Aquarian Moon will be posited in the transiting 9th house where we may gain new understanding in religious, philosophical, educational, or foreign fields. Some of us may realize a need – or a renewed need – for moral and spiritual values during the month as this Lunar Return chart is in effect. A caution is to not let emotions (Moon) limit the depth of our spiritual understanding or cause prejudices from past emotional biases to interfere with our evolutionary progress.

(Return charts are good until the planet or luminary in question ‘returns’ to its position once again – a Moon cycle is approximately 28 1/2 days, as you know. Our next Moon Return is Nov 24 with Moon in 4th house in DC; Sibly.)

Ascending tonight is the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer indicating domestic and security matters on the front-burner, along with nurturance issues such as diet and health care (the astrological Moon links to the physical body, the unconscious and the mind-body connection, and to childhood and the past.)

Neptune @ 23AQ42 Rx is in 9th house as well, indicating that someone will be traveling over water. Is this you? Not me!

The Neptune-to-natal-Moon transit is giving the populace a sense of rootlessness, though if you prefer the Sibly chart I use here, it won’t be exact until Neptune’s 3 conjunctions to US Moon in 2010 into 2011, on or about:

1. March 13, 2010
2. August 25, 2010
3. Jan 14, 2011 — that’s if you use the Sibly Moon. Other versions of America’s natal chart have Moons in earlier degrees so we could say we’re feeling the rootlessness already – especially with housing foreclosures, homelessness including living under bridges, etc.

This use of events for timing a chart may be a reasonable justification for using other natal charts for the US such as the Franklin chart (2:21 am LMT) with Moon @ 18AQ14, a degree currently being triggered by transiting Jupiter 17AQ30/32, a contact that may be somewhat responsible for the recent and current uptick in prices in the real estate market. Yet Jupiter conjuncts Neptune again in December so the bubbly speculative feelings are still there – or forming anew considering the news reports on the housing market that I’m hearing lately.

Tonight the chart-ruler Moon makes two lovely applying aspects in the Sibly Moon Return chart but with one clunker in the midst:

1. trine Mercury 29Libra26 (2A16), 5th house; 29 is a critical or crisis degree as is Saturn 29Vir49 in 4th house (domestic scene; real estate.)
2. inconjunct Saturn (2A39)
3. trine Sun 4Sco48 in 5th house (7A38.)

If we divide the ‘month’ of this Return chart according to the Moon’s applying aspects – to see how things proceed – we get a week+ of continued meetings and speeches concerning health reform and its money issues, both at critical points.

Then coming to the fore is a sense of being exploited by authorities (Saturn inconj Moon) bwo of intimidation and guilt, when those in charge (Saturn) will put their needs (Moon) first. Typical, I agree.

Yet obviously adjustments (inconj) must be made as limits in obligations are defined and Saturn’s delaying tactics are more fully revealed to the people (Moon.) The inconj between these two may indicate a worsening of H1N1 cases as well, possibly peaking during the first half of November, but hopefully their occurrence will lessen soon after unless another factor enters the picture.

Then, about one week or so prior to Nov 24, we begin to enjoy the Sun/Moon trine (symbolically speaking based on this Moon Return chart for the month.)

Sun trine Moon is lovely! If you have this aspect in your natal chart, fortunate you, for there is balance between the conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) which gives ease in relationships and harmony with authority. A caution would be a tendency toward apathy which the American people should avoid on these fatiguing yet critical issues.

For we remember that sometimes Capitol Hillers drag things out on purpose because they know it doesn’t take much to distract us and they can legislate what and how they want – and our needs and pocketbooks be da*med!

Written by Jude Cowell

October 28, 2009 at 12:28 am

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