Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Oops! the Pentagon’s cone head is showing!

Minot AFB bombs over America

Not Robert Gates, silly, and not Dan Ackroyd, but I’m sending noogies all around for the daft old sillies.

It’s the Pentagon admitting a “mistaken” arms shipment–to Taiwan! Actually, Taiwan fessed up that it had received a “mistaken” shipment from the US because the Pentagon was supposedly unaware of the gaffe.

Is Eisenhower fluffing his pillow about now or what?

Details here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/25/AR2008032501309.html

This tale has so many levels, so many veils–and the Pentagon never noticed, in spite of its required inventories every 3 months, that some electrical fuses for nose cone assemblies on intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) were missing from their weaponry shelves.

Yet Taiwan had to notify the Pentagon that it mysteriously had the fuses, shipped “mistakenly” in August 2006 after residing within a Hill Air Force Base (UT) Defense Logistics Agency warehouse–4 containers shipped there in March 2005 from Warren AFB in Wyoming. “Logistics”!!

Details are “unclear” and if you’re allergic to words like “mistake” or “error” don’t read the above-linked  article. The sensitivity of US sale of arms to Taiwan due to China’s firm objections is palpable in this apparent screw-up and seems to be the reason for Defense Secretary Robert Gates setting up an investigation of the matter to calm nuclear waters.

No actual nuclear material is said to be involved in this case, yet this is revelation #2,  you know–it’s the second nuclear-related “mistake”after the August 2007 fiasco when an AF B-52 bomber was “mistakenly” armed with 6 (count ’em, SIX) nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and flown across America from Minot AFB in ND to Barksdale AFB in LA.

I’ve never heard who ordered that minor Minot “mistake” (let’s ask Rumsfeld) but I have read where pilots and others involved have been eradicated…or as I would call it, assassinated. If you, lone reader (how lonely you must be) have any new info concerning these men’s deaths, please let me know.

~:~UPDATE March 28: here’s a link to several articles from Sept 2007 which tell of the loaders and their deaths, etc:



So the image you see here is the sunrise chart for Aug 30, 2007, set for the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Not knowing the time the nuclear warheads were loaded, or when the planes took off, the sunrise chart will do fine as a symbol for the day.

You see the Sun rising with tr South Node, a picture of limited leadership and power potential. This conj describes a karmic condition from the past (SN) when ambitions were selfishly promoted at the expense of others. And when you’re top dog (the US) you can easily do this even if you’re unaware of it…the results are the same for the world’s underdogs.

In green, you see I’ve marked today’s planetary placements with Saturn between 2007’s Sun and his own position 29Leo37. The late degrees of Leo are, of course, conj Fixed Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, whose keywords are: success if revenge is avoided.

Revenge is the world’s main problem for it brings an endless cycle of violence and what are nuclear weapons if not part of that abomination?

In 10th house there’s violent Mars, in duplicitous Gemini (apologies, Geminis, you are multiplicitously talented as well!), and I penciled in the Sabian Symbol for Mars…”15Gem”: “Two Dutch children talking.” And Mars (weapons) in the sign of the twins could indicate that two shipments were being loaded.

Nearer Midheaven, the WHY? point of the chart, is the midpoint of Saturn and Uranus, the pair associated with the Middle East, Israel and Palestine especially. Saturn/Uranus 8Gem22 is conj asteroid, Mida$ 8Gem06 (and Direct–Midas is more often Rx) so was this charade an inconveniently discovered transfer of arms sold to ___ fill in the blank___probably Israel, but not necessarily.

After all, we do that all the time and Bush has been giving away the nuclear store to India and others…a busy bee arms dealer is he.

And how about the Ic–the HOW? Point of the day? Ah HAH! There we find asteroid Toro, associated with “the power of boundless strength; the capacity to use and control power; a strong will.” (‘Astrology Encyclopedia’ by James R. Lewis.)

Spain and Africa are linked to Toro, esp the Moors who probably brought bull fighting to Spain. The goal of bull fighting is domination, appropriate to our subject, and the Encyclopedia Britannica states that Toro is an ancient fortified town in Spain whose code of laws was much celebrated.

Plus, the Ic, the Foundation of the matter, and Toro are at “1Sag” = “A Grand Army of the Republic campfire” degree. Makes sense with the Pentagon’s culpability.

They say, btw, that whoever is responsible for the current “mistake” of shipping fuses to Taiwan will be “held accountable” which, from past Bush administration tendencies, makes you wonder who’ll take the fall for higher-ups…or perhaps it’s only an inelegant sop meant to soothe China’s feelings.

Today’s Sun in Aries is basically conj 2007’s Moon in Aries–and who knows? the correct time of the flight, or at least of the loading of the dark material (which strains credulity to understand how it’s said that the pilots and crew were unaware of their cargo) may be better timed by using a Moon position based on the Sun’s position of today’s press conference!

Well, there’s a lot more in the chart and I hope you can take a gander by enlarging the image. If you do be sure to check out 2007’s Mercury/Saturn midpoint plunked squarely upon Bush’s natal Mars…

Mercury/Saturn = n Mars: turning drive into tyranny; risking all to make a point; no compromise; change through force of circumstances; a desire to quarrel.

Sounds just like Dubya, doesn’t it? He, it turns out, never met a union he couldn’t divide.

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