Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘Jude’s Threshold’ Category

Jude’s Threshold says farewell!

Notice: on or about October 11 or 12, 2016, Jude’s Threshold will shutter for the last time. My thanks and warm regards to all who have followed, commented, and shared its content during the 8 years of its existence.

However, due to time constraints, I have not been able to migrate all the posts here over to my new Astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology though I did try and hope you will mosey to JCAstro when you have a chance where Follows are much appreciated and No Politics or politicians will mar the cyber landscape. (I have Stars Over Washington for that!)

As for WordPress, I will especially miss the re-blog feature its format provides but with an abundance of blogs to manage elsewhere, my schedule and blog collection need an autumnal sweep!

Catch you later,

Jude Cowell, always the reluctant astrologer

Written by Jude Cowell

October 11, 2016 at 2:59 pm

Archives Search added + those Handspun Yarns

Good news – it finally occurred to me to add in this blog’s sidebar an Archives Search feature by month.

The monthly Archives list is already there – what’s new is a Search box for those who prefer to type before they click. It probably isn’t needed here but I thought I’d try it out, see how it handles.

Scroll down near the end of the sidebar column on your left and test drive it if you like!

Also added just now: my daughter’s Etsy Shop feed ~Spring Tree Road~ which you’ll find directly under the Flickr photo bar.

Maya has become an inspired spinner and dyer of yarns, Merino and otherwise, so check out her shop for gifts for the inspired knitter in your life…which may be You!

One thing I like a bunch about her Etsy Shop listings (besides Maya’s scrumptious photos of the beautifully colored skeins to which she’s given lovely names like: Asian Pear) is that each listing suggests the needle sizes that work best for the weight and style of yarn, plus washing instructions are given for each skein of fibers.

Now how easy is that?

Jude’s Threshold – Welcome!

Hello and Welcome to Jude’s Threshold!

Tonight I’ve signed up with WordPress for the first time–but I’m already blogging here and there like on Political Astrology at: http://www.starsoverwashington.com where you’ll find opinion and starry-based comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them…it’s got a certain linky richness, and videos, too!

From the Astrology sites’n’blogs of my esteemed colleagues to Politics and articles of all sorts…check out my stellar Links List at Stars Over Washington.

Then you’ll find cosmic and archetypal art to be viewed at: http://cosmicpersonadesigns.blogspot.com   IF you’re 17+, that is! (no cheating please–there’s enough of that in Washington);

But everyone may view my latest Moon Art drawings at http://secretmoonart.blogspot.com  or read Mr.A. Cat’s rather ill-humored, politically inspired limericks plus view a few spiffy cat photos of merit if you slink on over to http://limslimericks.blogspot.com.

And if you like tropical fish — which must be appreciated while the oceans still have any, that is — check out http://dreamyfishart.blogspot.com where my drawings attempt to blend the reality of Saturnian form–botanically-drawn fish portraits–with Neptune’s nebulous dreams, because fish dream, too. And because Neptune’s realm is the sea, and because I’m fond of lovely fish who dream themselves into colorful and fanciful surroundings.

Also I have a new ‘tapestry blog’ woven of various themes containing articles, photos, artwork, news links, Astrology links, and more at Two Hours You’ll Never Get Back, yet not to fret – checking it out won’t hog up a full two hours unless you’re a very s l o w reader.

Before I mosey there are a few words to say about this blog’s title:  Jude’s Threshold.

Threshold is a word associated with the planet Saturn as ‘Guardian of the Threshold’ as it relates to what Astrology and other systems call The Call to Adventure.

Saturn is known by many names:

the taskmaster, the lesson-bringer, Old Man Saturn, the senex, Cronos or Kronos…and then there’s no one’s favorite: The Grim Reaper.

He guards the threshold of experience and the Next Step–the Choice at the Crossroads–and will never bring loss where it is not warranted and timely.

In fact, he often brings long-term rewards for long-term efforts — not the Jupiter kind of reward, because Jupiter’s kind is winning the lottery, or the great job offer you get because your brother works for the company.

You know, it’s the gift for little if any effort expended, always nice, but often short-lived. And this must be why lottery winnings seldom last past the first year or so, no matter how large the treasure…that’s why people often say, easy come, easy go. Because it does.

Now a good example of a difficult Saturn transit  (a word for when a planet ‘visits’ or reaches a point or another planet’s zodiacal position) is when the Old Man conjuncts (crosses, or tromps upon) our natal (birth) Ascendant, the rising point in the chart which represents the person, the physical body, the self.

The Ascendant describes the mask (persona) which is: how we see the world and how the world sees us. Whew! Does that make sense or am I babbling? Okay, I’m babbling sense, if you’ll but take it that way.

So when Saturn crosses/transits our Ascendant (ASC), he brings regret for past mistakes and an unavoidable accountability for them, along with extra responsibilities, fear, and perhaps paranoia as well. And yes, achy bones including teeths, and/or itchy conditions, for Saturn rules the skeletal system, the choppers, and the skin.

My prime example for this transit was during Hurricane Katrina’s devastation when Saturn conjuncted George Bush’s natal ASC…and we heard him utter, for the first time EVER, that he was ‘accountable’ for the sorry response to Americans dying in attics, stranded without food, water, or assistance (thanks to the ‘reorganizing’ of FEMA, brought to us by the Bush administration and its higher ups.)

Past mistakes? I’ll say. Still ongoing, too, although New Orleans seems to be doing better of late – hurrah! 

(For Bush, this transit also involves the misdirected energies expended on invading Iraq, but that’s too much to encompass with this mere introductory post tonight.)

Well, Saturn/Katrina/Bush’s ASC is a pretty harsh example, but Saturn can be harsh when his gravitas (another of Saturn’s words, as is gravity!) is not respected and his lesson of responsibility is taken too lightly. For along with authority comes responsibility and I suspect the buck that once uprightly stopped at the Oval Office’s desk was a Saturnian buck, don’t you? Realistic Saturn prefers things on the up-and-up which is a real challenge for Washington, isn’t it?

Recognizing Saturn’s gifts isn’t always easy…that would be one of Jupiter’s favorite lofty and happy-go-lucky words…easy! But Saturn’s serious note adds to life’s symphony as no other energy can for where would an orchestra be without the tuba and the bass bassoon?

Written by Jude Cowell

May 20, 2007 at 2:11 am

Kings and Queens

This blog is a collection of articles and information I have gathered regarding Royal families from around the world.

Opuntia Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

Every BODY has the ability to heal itself. I'm here to lend a hand (or two).

Druidikal Roots

History, Genealogy, and More

Ex libris ad rem

The books and stuff that fill my day

Astroinform with Marjorie Orr - Star4cast

Marjorie Orr - Top International Astrologer

Astrological Psychology and Asklepios Connection

Huber method of Astrological Psychology and Dreams

Operator's Manual

notes playing to a theme

Genealogy With Valerie

Genealogy..a journey to the past, present, and future.

Applegate Genealogy

Helping others discover their roots

Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns


An eclectic mix of technology, poetry, stuff I find, and my ramblings

Zeebra Designs & Destinations

An Artist's Eyes Never Rest