Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Winter Solstice 2013: Sun Capricorn/Moon Leo

With misgivings I provide here a link to a just-published post that displays the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2013 (Dec 21) set for the Capitol Building, Washington DC:


Considering the current self-serving antics of Republicans and Democrats, I know you won’t expect much in the way of improvement unless the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse @11Sco15 allows solutions to spring up from the Collective Unconscious and they are acted upon by We the People. Let us hope so!

Meanwhile, here are a few details on the Sun (conscious mind)/Moon (unconscious) blend of energies imprinted upon the Winter season itself as we meander from 2013 into 2014:

Sun 00Cap00:00/Moon 17Leo00, a Saturn-Sun motif of ‘responsibility of leadership’, denotes potentials for authoritarianism, pride, and ambition to be prominent within society; gutsy and self-willed, this combo indicates a zestful blend of seriousness, yet also laughter (which perhaps may save our collective sanity more often than not!)  Endeavors for the winter season will include extreme professionalism, while whatever is deemed necessary will be done (this quality tends toward workaholism.)

Self-importance, social-climbing, domination, and dogmatism continue to bedevil many people’s belief systems and mindsets most especially including those belonging to our alleged “public servants” in Washington who are in breach of the public contract and are chomping at the bit against America’s traditional ‘social contract between the generations’ which they now insist has become too burdensome to fulfill–programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and you know the rest of the list Republicans love to loathe almost as deeply as they loathe the ‘common’ man they consider to be beneath them. Plus, they must work very hard to keep concealed their past embezzlements and outright thievery from public coffers via manufactured crises and political drama.

Government usurpers want such funds for other projects and pockets, you see.

Disturbingly, the Sun Cap/Moon Leo blend is shared natally by China’s Chairman Mao Tse-Tung so here’s a famous yet chilling quote from the a__…the horse’s mouth:

“Wherever we go, we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them…”

Now that’s the sort of insinuating infiltration America hasn’t fully guarded against. And now zealots are active in our midst.


For more Sun/Moon details, see: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey

Written by Jude Cowell

October 6, 2013 at 12:11 am

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  1. I always think of all the adopted Chinese babies…


    Meg Hooper

    November 2, 2013 at 10:23 pm

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