Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Herman Cain’s natal chart: Saturn/Pluto = Mars

The Planets and Psyche of Herman Cain, GOP Pseudo-Candidate 2012

by Jude Cowell

Not wishing to use space on my Political Astrology blog Stars Over Washington for a man others besides myself consider to be a fringe candidate, I shall publish here for your consideration what I intend to be my only astro-peek at the natal planets and psyche of Herman Cain, Republican corporatist and inspirational speaker.

Is Cain a true contender for president? In his own mind, I’m quite certain he is though as some have said, higher speaking fees may be a primary motivation for Cain’s showing up at GOP ‘prez nom’ debates (or what passes for debates these days.)

A spur to his book sales? Sure but–funny thing–Jerry and Deborah Strober actually wrote Cain’s book, as recently detailed in The New Yorker.

Mr. Cain does like to talk a lot, however, as you may have noticed, and mostly about himself.

Chart shown is set for noon since a correct birth time for Mr. Cain is unknown; please click image for a closer view.

Herman Cain Dec 13, 1945 (noon) Memphis TN

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee on December 13, 1945. The closest applying aspect to his natal Sun in Sagittarius is one of opportunity–a sextile (60 degrees) to expansive Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra.

This aspect describes the basis of his personality and indicates talent in public relations and communications (motivational speaker, preacher), an outgoing nature, and theatrical and political skills. Cain’s Baptist ministry is also described by the sextile to Jupiter, the planet of codified religion.

Sun sextile Jupiter folk believe that routine crushes creativity; rigid schedules annoy them so how the rigidity of the Oval Office would suit him remains a mystery. Irritability would be the result of caging in his large personality in such a way but since he loves ‘the good life’, perhaps concessions would be made in exchange for the presidency’s high privileges.

Yes, Herman Cain is an ‘ideas person’ thanks to Sun/Jupiter and a conversationalist extraordinaire.

A Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in Libra indicates a “maverick with a superiority complex who listens very little to others” (Clow) which supports the Sun/Uranus aspect as detailed in this post.

The two societal planets, Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) are square (90 degr = blockages; blindspots) one another (Cancer to Libra) so we see that not all his business decisions have worked out due to faulty judgment. (One could argue that coming on to lady colleagues is a faulty way of doing business–expensive settlements may follow to quieten the ladies who complain!)

Jupiter/Saturn square folk tend to take on responsibilities with too little preparation (for the White House?) and this dynamic energy may lead to an interest in holding a government position; it may also indicate a tendency toward depression. This is an ‘overly conservative–too orthodox–super materialistic’ aspect which adds to his exalted ambitions.

A Charismatic Fellow?

So where in Cain’s natal horoscope is this charisma the media touts for him? Well, his Sun/Jupiter sextile is part of the dynamic yet I suspect the sparks that creative Uranus can bring figure into his live-wire personality as well with a quirky Sun/Uranus opposition, an aspect of one who is invested in being “different” from the rest. We’ve heard this loud and clear during his dramatic debate performances.

A spur to ambition due to early hardships, those born with a Sun/Uranus opposition are high-strung, irritable, and restless, with a need for regular relaxation or health will suffer.

Talent goes without saying yet self-sabotage may occur from lack of compromise with others–Herman doesn’t listen very well to others. This trait may be part of overstepping the line when making passes at women whom his massive ego assumes want his attentions. (See his overbearing Saturn/Pluto/Mars, below.)

He is very competitive in business (as we can tell: “Pizza will come,” said SNL–hilarious!) but less helpfully, this carries over into personal relationships and indicates sudden beginnings and endings which supports a wide Venus/Uranus aspect (which may also provide charisma.)

Cain presents himself in ways that are difficult or contradictory for others to understand–relationships are not easy with a Sun/Uranus individual, and the wide opposition between Venus (attraction principle) and Uranus (behavior) may intensify this.

A Sun/Uranus opposition indicates erratic behavior that can alienate others–which may describe Ms. Bialek’s statement yesterday of her experience with Mr. Cain whose Sun/Uranus aspect shows a potential for promiscuity–he refuses to be confined yet doesn’t mind confining others. Impatience and emotional outbursts can make him unwelcome in many circles.

Confused Emotions?

Another problematic aspect is a possible opposition between an Aries Moon (emotions; feelings; mother; women; family) and nebulous Neptune in Libra, sign of Partnerships. Moon remained in Aries for the 24-hour period of his birthdate with the Moon ranging from 1Ari01 to 15Ari11–therefore, natal Moon is either applying to or separating from, Neptune–or they are directly opposite one another.

If separating, the Neptunian energy is even more unconscious especially with Neptune and the Moon both relating to the Unconscious. Personal relationships suffer from all the illusions this aspect indicates, and Mother is implicated during childhood for she gave Herman incorrect ideas about herself, and therefore, about all women; feelings of loss are prevalent and I hope he didn’t lose his mother during childhood for as a mother myself, I certainly don’t wish to add to any sense of loss with my remarks here.

Anyway, Mom’s description of what a ‘good woman’ is gives a distorted image of women for the adult Mr. Cain and these are the sort of virgin-whore misconceptions that are difficult if not impossible to shake because of their unconscious nature.

A Moon/Neptune opposition indicates much creativity yet can show one who has trouble separating truth from fiction (which can make lies believable, at least to their promoter if not to the public.) Relationships can be disorderly or confused due to fantasies that are created about the self and others; an ‘escapist’ is indicated by this aspect, one who has trouble accepting emotional responsibility for his actions.

Plus, a tendency to feel abused is in evidence when lies or misconceptions are revealed (and I believe we’re seeing this now in his statements.)

And it’s possible, depending on the Moon’s position, that Cain has a closed-circuit-of-energy Grand trine in Fire (Moon-Mercury/Venus-Pluto) which is very creative and inspirational but provides him with a ‘firewall’ against listening to others or letting them into his life in any genuine way.

Venus and The Ladies Return

How interesting that today times a Venus Return for Mr. Cain. The position of Venus @ 9Sag28 may be a little off since we’re using a noon chart but not by much–his current Venus Return times lady accusers returning to his life even though he presents himself as not remembering them. I’m certain he didn’t mean to say that he’s engaged in such behavior so often through the years, their names and faces have faded in his memory!

Plus, natal Venus conjoins fixed star Antares, keywords: a need to avoid obsession (Brady’s Predictive Astrology.) Sounds like he may be obsessed with Venusian ladies, doesn’t it?

Now for the massive trio you see above: Saturn/Pluto = Mars in lusty Leo.

This triple conjunction forms a midpoint picture of ruthlessness, defiance, the drive toward ambition, secret plans, and harsh judgments (as marked on the chart, lower right.) Assaults and violence may also be added to that difficult picture for Saturn/Pluto working together indicates cruelty and hardship but also tenacity and a capacity for very hard work.

The hardworking, running hot’n’cold conjunction between Mars and Saturn is wide (about 8 degrees) and out-of-sign which complicates things–Saturn is ruled by the Moon (8Lib04 at noon) and Mars is ruled by the Sun in the sign of The Seeker (Sag.)

Mars and Pluto are about 9 degrees apart, also a wide orb yet Mars in the middle brings it all together as noted in the midpoint picture above. The archetype of ‘the sex addict’ may be in evidence though perhaps I shouldn’t say so!

(His father’s example and influence are implicated in this–Saturn, the earthly father, is Rx, thus weak or absen, and in its detriment in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of The Mother, which denotes early emotional lacks and family estrangements–he’s touchy! In adulthood, this creates a strong attachment to material possessions and ‘money = love’ confusions.)

Three other midpoint pictures (that do not depend on an exact birth time) are quite elucidating–one involves the Illuminati-Enlightenment planets of the New World Order, Uranus and Neptune, along with wealthy, powerful (secret backer) Pluto…

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: one who is easily impressed with or influenced by others; not taking a firm stand (?); abandoning resistance; great losses or calamities.

Venus/Pluto = Neptune: instability in relationships; an impressionable nature; seduction or being seduced; immorality.

Sun/Saturn = Neptune: inhibited mental development; inner peculiarities; a mental, emotional, or physical crisis.

(Midpoints: Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Another factor about Herman Cain–as you know, transiting Mercury, planet of announcements, press conferences, and debates–is about to turn retrograde on November 24, 2011, Thanksgiving Day (confirm your travel reservations and have your car checked out if driving far afield!)

Thing is, Herman Cain’s natal Mercury on or about 7Sag57 (Rx) will therefore receive three ‘hits’ during Mercury’s Rc phase. The dates of his three-fer Mercury Return to its noon position are as follows:

1. November 8, 2011 (yesterday, for Ms. Bialek’s statement as she ‘returned’ with old information (Mercury)

2. December 7, 2011 (Rx–he may resonate more with this conjunction since natal Mercury is Rx)

3. December 21, 2011

Will Herman Cain’s previous ‘paramours’ and one-offs with the ladies continue to be revealed until or beyond December 21, 2011?

This wouldn’t surprise me at all after studying the natal horoscope of Mr. Herman Cain, fringe candidate.

Progressions of Life
As for the presidency, I like to look at candidates’ Secondary Progressed lunations for the background ‘time of life’ they are in during campaigns and elections, if any. A correct birth time is helpful for this but not necessary though the exact date of a lunation may be off by a few days.

Mr. Cain is now in his Secondary Full Moon stage of life with Sec Full Moon occurring on or about May 21, 2010 @ 26Leo54, a position that links by opposition to US natal Moon–sometimes an indicator of presidential victories.

However, the Sec Full Moon phase shows that he has already extended into the world as far as he can go (as did America with her Sec Full Moon, December 2008) and is on ‘the downside’. Pulling in his ambitions, expansion, and desires will now be necessary as the months go on though he probably doesn’t yet recognize this. (Three years on, America is just now beginning to.)

If Cain doesn’t win the GOP nomination (and I suspect he should look in the Republican cabbage patch for his nomination enemies rather than amongst the Democrats–why would Barack Obama not want a politically uninformed egoist as an easy adversary?) then perhaps he will go with the ‘Full Moon flow’ (light dimming!) and set his sights on something more realistic and appropriate for this time in his life.

Your on-topic comments and opinions are appreciated as always!


Blog Note: it’s probably on my end, but for months WordPress blogging is difficult and frustrating for every time I type, the auto-save function returns the post field to its starting place which causes lots of jumping about. Therefore, please pardon any typos for I’ve tried to ‘catch’ them all but spellcheck doesn’t work and the rabbit just won’t stay still! Perhaps I can edit out typos later since for now I’m quite wumped out by typing and trying. jc

Update 5:33 pm est: you may also wish to check out Herman Cain’s Sun Sag-Moon Aries personality blend, just published.

2 Responses

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  1. Elucidating and insightful! In the last days, the vilest of men will be exalted.” Why a good portion of the American people can’t see through his clownish, blissfully ignorant, snake-oil salesman persona, is beyond me. However, he can keep on blabbing and telling lies, because at some point, he’ll hang himself with his own tongue. I love your site.



    November 12, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    • Why thank you (don’t know what to call you!) Yes, agreed about Mr. Cain but I console myself that the American people who are paying any attention at all are simply allowing themselves to be entertained.

      Barrels of monkeys couldn’t be funnier than this quirky crew–late night comedians have hit comedy gold. And yet it’s such hard werk playing a politician on tv–sometimes the bright lights confuse and throw them off their talking points recitals! Jude


      Jude Cowell

      November 17, 2011 at 5:20 am

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