Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Haiti Independence Chart Jan 1, 1804

Haiti Independence Jan 1, 1804

‘Noon’ is a speculative time but Jan 1, 1804 is the date of Haiti’s slave uprising when independence was declared from France at Gonaives, Haiti, and France lost control of its most lucrative colony.

As I dash out the door I’m publishing this for future reference but some details are marked and highlighted (click to enlarge, if you wish.)

Lower right are the dates of Haiti’s current Saturn Return occurring three times: Dec 7, 2009, Feb 19, 2010, and Aug 25, 2010. The position of natal Saturn 3Lib27 may be off a minute depending on the correct hour/minute of their successful revolution so Saturn’s Return dates may vary slightly (by hour, probably not by date.)

Highlighted in green around the chart I’ve marked a few planetary positions for Jan 19, 2010. Pluto 3Cap58 is now conjunct natal Mars, as you see, with n Chiron 4Cap40 affected as well. ‘Pluto/Chiron’ is a significator for plutocracy, racism, enslavement, oppression, corporatism, primal violence, and other nasty things that greedy minds can devise to disenfranchise their fellow man.

Today’s Sun at a 29th critical or crisis degree conjunct natal Venus 29Cap26, and Mars 13Leo46 Rx is messing about with natal South Node (SN), a marker for violence and war.

As you know, Mars will be traversing Leo for several more weeks and the current increase of US troops to Haiti is described here – for what ultimate purposes our military is being deployed there remains to be seen…”disaster capitalism” comes to mind. (Naomi Klein’s warning.)

And of course, tr Pluto conjunct n Mars and Chiron tells a forceful strong-armed tale as well.

Haiti’s natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint 5AQ36 conjoins n Ceres – interesting to me because America declared independence under the same configuration — n Pluto/Chiron = n Ceres. (Ceres was discovered on Jan 1, 1801, the day that the UK formed when Ireland joined Great Britain.) Ceres relates to agriculture (sugar, indigo, tobacco, etc of Haiti slave labor) and Pluto/Chiron = France, and whoever else profitted from their slavery.

Historically interesting is the fact that Haiti’s Plu/Chiron conjuncts US n SN which points a plutocratic finger at America, and we know that (shamefully) President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson sided with France and Napoleon in the slave uprising.

The island nation’s natal Mars/Chiron conjunction is the archetype of the ‘sacred warrior’.

Other chart factors of note will be picked up as soon as possible so let me know if you want to discuss, okay?

Written by Jude Cowell

January 19, 2010 at 4:18 pm

2 Responses

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  1. something about this seems very interesting, mostly because i’m Haitian-American as well as History/Astrological interestee … so what exactly does this mean in lemans terms?



    January 23, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    • Hi JB, mostly it means i had little time to analyze the chart but wanted to make it available for those wishing to see it – it represents Haiti throwing off French shackles and becoming an entity unto itself.

      The chart gives us something to compare current (or any) transits with to see how things are being affected…for the quake of Jan 12, 2010, Pluto (underground, massive transforming force, death) conjunct Haiti’s natal Mars (males; police; army; action and energy) is one such description of what occurred: extreme force, brutality, excessive efforts, and control assumed by a higher authority. Whether one thinks the higher authority was nature, God, or those who manipulate weather by such things as HAARP, is another question.

      Certainly America’s plutonian army can be said to have arrived and given precedence over relief planes.

      Thanks for commenting, and if you have family there, i hope they are as safe as possible. Jude


      Jude Cowell

      January 23, 2010 at 7:44 pm

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