Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for September 1st, 2014

Harry Houdini: horoscope and a new TV show

Escape artist extraordinaire Harry Houdini is featured on History Channel at 9 pm edt  this evening in a two-part presentation as played by actor Adrien Brody with part two broadcast on Tuesday evening (September 2.)

Born in Budapest on April 5, 1874 at 4:00 am LMT (astrodatabank gives this data a B rating) as Ehrich Weiss, we find a man with Sun in mid-Aries (15Ari09, the degree where transit Uranus has been electrifying of late–TV technology via Uranus now will spotlight his ego and personality–Sun.) His natal Moon @19Sco24 (considered anciently as an ‘evil degree’–and where authoritarian Saturn has been traversing)  is the only ‘planet’ out-of-bounds in the chart suggesting a faulty relationship with Mother–odd since he was devoted to her. He even put wife Bess “on a pedestal” to the extent that some believe their 32-year marriage may never have been consumated! However, an OOBs Moon is only the case if we accept the April 6th 2:24 am chart as correct–the version you see below for April 5th has no OOBs planets at all which is one factor that suggests its correctness.

April 5, 1874 4:00 am LMT Budapest:

Now Uranus to natal Sun denotes a time of finding a new identity, going off on one’s own, new ways of expressing creativity (like a TV production?!), and/or intense restlessness. Saturn to natal Moon marks a period when any accomplishments must be truly merited and digestive complaints my occur. As you know, Houdini was punched hard in the abdomen as he rested his broken ankle by an amateur boxer and this led to his death in Detroit on October 31, 1926 at 1:26 pm–Halloween! Spiritualism and seances were popular during his life and most people are aware of his secret message to Bess from his death bed that he would try to ‘contact’ her after his demise.

(No, he never got through to her. This does not surprise me since ‘The dead are unconscious and know nothing’, says the Bible and this I believe!)

Now there is a discrepancy concerning Houdini’s birth data for Marc Edmund Jones gives Houdini’s details as: April 6, 1874 (Sagittarian Moon) at 2:24 am in Appleton, Wisconsin though my suspicion is that astrodatabank has it right–Appleton was the first place the family landed after immigrating to American from Hungry to avoid anti-semitism. In the MEJ version, Houdini’s Ascendant is in late Capricorn (27:00); in the version I’m using, 26AQ59 rises with Midheaven (Career; Public Status) 

Plus, the Aquarius Ascendant degree conjoins America’s natal Moon (the public), and Houdini certainly was a very popular magician and escape artist in his day. His horoscope shows a splash pattern of planets and a splash he definitely made with his stage act!

You may wish to check out Houdini’s bio details and natal horoscope at astrodatabank’s Wiki pages:


And here is his natal chart with my scribbles added to show a few basic details. Not shown is Houdini’s death chart which has malefic planets on Angles as death charts tend to do: transit Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Midheaven, and Halloween 1926 Neptune conjunct his natal Descendant.

As you see, chart-rulers Saturn and Uranus oppose one another across the self-willed Leo/AQ axis;  the two ‘enemy planets’ make no applying aspects in the chart, however, both square (blockages, obstacles–like a pair of handcuffs) testy Mars so here is a T-Square pattern of violence, danger, injury, and/or accident. As you know, Houdini liked to place himself in dangerous positions onstage and made his income from this “thrill-seeking” behavior which expresses through Mars in 2nd house of Earning Ability:


Written by Jude Cowell

September 1, 2014 at 5:59 pm

Posted in Uncategorized


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