Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

June 8 2013 New Moon in Gemini: “A Large Archaic Volume”

If you use the Sabian Symbols much you probably recognize the one for Saturday June 8, 2013’s New Moon @18Gem01–“A Large Archaic Volume”–using the ’rounding up’ method which gives us’19Gemini’.

Sun Gem-Moon Gem is a double Air blend of intellect, reasonableness, and debate and watching Washington DC politics as I regularly do, I’m wondering when or if the ‘reasonableness’ will be apparent any time soon. Quick communications (ex: texting) and a talent for Mercurial mimicry are evident with this combination of energies so a lot of talking is on the weekend’s list of activities.

This personality blend is shared natally by an interesting cast of characters including famous thespian John Barrymore (“One of my chief regrets during my years in the theater is that I couldn’t sit in the audience and watch me.”) Well, yes. Self-absorb much? Still, I always thought his lion-esque appearance, imperious voice, and royal manner were perfect on the stage.

Double Gemini writer Dorothy Sayers had her time in the sun as well and how perfect in our day of spying on people’s private lives is this, one of her more famous verses?

“As I grow older and older

And totter towards the tomb

I find that I care less and less

Who goes to bed with whom.”


Too bad Washington’s political operatives can’t take such a sentiment to heart! Yet how would DC survive without blackmail?

But the double Gemini fellow whose famous quote I wish most to add here is that of economist John Maynard Keynes for it is my belief that his words lightly touch upon the more-visible-than-ever agenda of those who would rule the entire world if or as soon as they can manage it:

“Ideas shape the course of history.”

Well, yes. Yes, they do. It’s all in the planning, another function of Mercury. I only wish the ruling elite, both public and hidden, would have them some better ideas than what they’re attempting to forcefully implement from their large archaic volume.

Don’t you?

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