Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Time for Civil Disobedience in the US?

Thoughts of America in November 2011

by Jude Cowell

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is the numbers of people all over the world who have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves…[and] the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

– Howard Zinn


If you’ve ever read my Political Astrology articles you know that on one level I’ve been describing rebellious Uranus now in Mars-ruled Aries as ‘Utopians’ because that’s one expression of Uranus in Aries according to Reinhold Ebertin in his midpoint directory, The Combination of Stellar Influences.

And if you follow Astrology much at all, you know that in 2010, transit Uranus entered feisty Aries by crossing the Aries Point, one of the four World Points of Manifestation which historically times important events which tend to affect the entire world.

So if you’re familiar with the Sibly version of America’s natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising), then you know that America’s IC (4th cusp, The Foundation or End of the Matter, aka, The Drain in any horoscope, and denoting Domestic Scene and Homeland) has been accosted by Uranus in Aries as the planet of revolution and uprisings hits the Aries Point (AP.)

My point, ill-made though it be, is that the Utopians have arrived and their intent to shake up our nation and rearrange all the furniture so that we cannot recognize where to lay our heads–is on disply with the current ‘debt-deal’ drama and the bill that has issued from it.

Holding hostages is typical behavior for radical reformers of the Uranian kind and they don’t care who gets hurt or damaged as long as their ‘vision’ is fulfilled…it’s a strain of the ‘success at any cost’ model of Machiavellian politics.

The hurt, however, is yet to be fully appreciated by the majority of the American people. The Uranian invasion and government coup has been ramped up and as I’ve typed many times before these last 6 years of blogging—these people play for keeps.

And come November 2011, when there will manifest in early Sagittarius a Solar Eclipse with sinister undertones and the ‘cuts’ are to be decided upon by the newly created “Super Congress” of 12 (like a special “council of wise men”?) we may see what the US government has been up to behind closed doors as the power of the US Congress is superceded–usurped–by an elite group of those who were in on the sky-is-falling game all along.

Yet with the energies described by Astrology working naturally in an AC-DC manner, the Utopian activism now throttling Washington DC can be turned around by the rest of us who Do Not want American to crash and be reinstituted like a phoenix rising from ashes.

Is it time for (peaceful) civil disobedience in America? the current Uranus/Pluto square says, Yes! For the mid-1960s saw the Great Conjunction/s of the revolutionary combo of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo and their cyclic square now times a point of crisis when similar issues from the 1960s resurface–such as Civil Rights, disenfranchisement, and other anti-societal ills.

Uranus reached US natal IC (00Ari53, slightly past the AP) in 2010 and will continue to do so, thanks to quirky Uranus’ retrogradation, into January 2012.

But November 2011 isn’t left out of Uranus’ radical schedule for one of the conjunctions to US natal IC occurs on November 16, 2011, with the difficult Solar Eclipse manifesting on November 25, 2011 in the 14 North Series (“A peculiar turn of events”–Brady) @ ‘2 Sag’–opposite President Obama’s natal Moon in Gemini–and the mini-me Congress of 12 power elite is set to divulge their recommendations for further cuts on November 23!

For more on this topic which has come home to America to roost, you may wish to try Coercive Utopians.

Plus, there’s always the excellent Thom Hartmann and his progressive views on and about America!

2 Responses

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  1. Whoa, Tim, thank you for the compliment. (A lady here though!) ;p

    Best Regards, Jude


    Jude Cowell

    August 22, 2011 at 12:21 am

  2. Insightful look as to what may very well develop. Judes always seems to have his finger on the pulse of our nation. His ability to connect Astrology with current events is the best I have ever read.


    Tim Hughes

    August 20, 2011 at 5:23 pm

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