Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Is Britain’s pound on the skids? A look at UK’s natal chart

According to an article in Der Spiegel, Britain’s pound is in deep trouble and massive consumer debt in the UK has been whitewashed to look, well…better than it really is.

Modern natal chart of the UK from historical record: Jan 1, 1801 12:00 am, London, Hour of Jupiter; ASC 7Lib10; Mc 9Can20; Sun 10Cap11 conjunct Ic; Moon 19Can26 in 10th house with Jupiter Rx 1Leo51, so UK’s n Jupiter is now being triggered by transiting Mars Rx, a period when others are given more credit than they deserve! Mars’ Rx condition indicates a re-occurrence or review of these matters as they affect the nation’s Jupiter (money.)

As you see, UK’s natal Moon (‘the people’) will be eclipsed on July 11, 2010 by a Total Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 (a 2 minute orb!) which will bring more fluctuations in markets, concerns over real estate and other Cancer-related issues including homeland security. Look for secret activities to be uncovered up to 2 weeks prior to July 11, 2010 and thereafter.

Actually, the Lunar Eclipse of June 26, 2010 @ 4Cap46 will affect UK’s chart, too, with June 26’s North Node 11Cap55 contacting UK’s natal Sun…the Ascendant of the July 11 Solar Eclipse chart – when set for London, England – is 11Cap23 which links the two Eclipses, Solar and Lunar, to the UK chart and to the dwindling fortunes of the British people.

July 11, 2010 chart’s Midheaven, the WHY? Point of any chart, has a difficult midpoint of turmoil upon it…

Saturn/Pluto = Mc: hard, hard work to rise again from difficulty; major separation as a last resort; severity; one-sidedness; knowledge of how to acquire, use, and wield the types of power that can make significant changes in society; an adept; a magician. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

The Solar Eclipse chart contains the ongoing Cardinal T-Square under which the world now squirms although the July 11 chart has a out-of-sign Saturn at critical degree: 29Vir17 in 8th house of Big Money; Mars is in 8th house as well @ 19Vir09.

Transiting Saturn will soon return to 00Libra and again conjunct America’s natal Mc in our Sibly chart (Mc 00Lib53.)

The crisis-provoking T-Square’s midpoint pictures are:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality; rebellion against one’s lot in life; harm through force majeure; tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; concealing changes to activities.

Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; fearless; control of the situation; major changes; a total reversal of plans; intense business activity.

You’ll notice that ‘secret hand’ Pluto, hoarder of the world’s wealth, is the apex/focal planet (actor) within the T-Square and is thus the powerful manipulator so viciously clutching the world’s purse strings.

And so I send heartfelt wishes for Good Fortune to return to the British people and I hope Pluto treats you better than he’s treating the American people in this time of ‘new world orderism.’

But I wouldn’t bank on it.

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