Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Pluto’s Discovery Feb 18, 1930: join the Lowell Observatory’s celebration!

The 79th anniversary of Clyde Tombaugh’s 1930 discovery of Pluto is tomorrow, Feb 18, and you’re invited to the festivities!

For details check out the Lowell Observatory’s program here:


On the evening of Feb 18, 1930, Pluto was Rx at 17Can46; Pluto’s heliocentric North Node is appr 19-20 Cancer. (Saturn’s is 23-24 Cancer.)

And on Feb 18, 1930, Pluto rose with Fixed Star Pollux, one of the twin stars of Gemini. In her masterful book, ‘Fixed Stars’, Bernadette Brady gives details on the meaning of both stars as a blended concept of dealing with polarities. Both stars relate closely to writers, poets, musicians, and artists when active in natal charts, with Castor the ‘light twin’ and Pollux ‘the dark twin.’

Ptolemy saw Pollux as being connected with craftiness, spiritedness, rashness, and to poisons. This certainly tallies with some of Pluto’s astrological meanings, doesn’t it? Pluto, god of Hades, he of the invisible helmet which any spy would love to have at his disposal.

Spying, poisoning, ‘the secret hand’ of politics, secret societies, and the super-rich ruling elite (in charge of the nuclear armaments of the world) are within Pluto’s province; plus, Pluto’s link to sabotage is often seen in charts of assassination, murder, and other crimes – often in league with Neptune, Uranus, and/or activist Mars who usually carries out the dirty deed.

And we totally see Pluto’s representation in the collective on TV’s ‘Heroes’ as each character ‘tranforms’ through a particular skill.

That Pluto’s discovery occurred at the dawn of the nuclear age (and the element, plutonium, tells the tale as well) seems a perfect description especially if you know of the ‘deep’ astrological significance of  plutoid-planetoid-dwarf planet, Pluto.

Bringing in Pluto’s transformative qualities, we see that the Solar Eclipse prior to Feb 18, 1930 was of the 3 South Series which Brady’s ‘Predictive Astrology’ says has the flavor of  ‘traumatic transformation’ and ‘sudden endings of associations or relationships, possibly with a younger person’ through ‘short journeys’ or ‘news received.’

The 3S Series brings a large emotional component to the issues brought by the Eclipse, and the last manifestation of 3S was on Dec 14, 2001 at 22Sag56…

Sabian Symbol for ’23Sag’: ‘Immigrants Entering a New Country’ which I related at the time to Osama bin Laden’s escape from the caves (Pluto) of Tora Bora and his burrowing in to the rugged mountain regions of Afghanistan.

If you know your natal chart, you may wish to see in which house (department of  life) this degree area (22Sag+)  falls and think back to what was happening for you at the end of 2001 and into 2002. Pluto then was at mid-Sag, which for me resulted in my father’s death.

Yes, “traumatic transformation” – even death – is definitely one of Pluto’s calling cards. And yet we know that in our dualistic world the law of death is soon followed by rebirth as old makes way for new!

So my warm regards go to the Lowell Observatory where Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh – I would join your celebrations if  I could and would appreciate any enlightening comments left here from anyone who does attend.

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