Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘Scott Walker recall vote

Viewing Tips for Venus Transit June 5 2012

Now this is handy:

Space Weather News for June 5, 2012

TRANSIT OF VENUS: The historic 2012 Transit of Venus commences today, June 5th, at 3:09 pm Pacific Daylight Time (22:09 UT). Spaceweather.com is covering the event with observing tips, a real-time photo gallery, and links to live webcasts from around the world. Extraordinary photos of Venus taken during the hours leading up to the transit are also featured on today’s edition of SpaceWeather News.

SOLAR WIND: A stream of high-speed solar wind is buffeting Earth’s magnetic field, stirring geomagnetic activity around the poles. NOAA forecasters estimate a better-than-even chance of high-latitude geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours.

Aurora alerts are available from SpaceWeather (text) and SpaceWeather (voice).

Fabulous! Thanks, SpaceWeather.


For some Astrology info concerning Venus Transit 2012, you may wish to check out Horoscope of Venus Transit 2012: Equal Pay for Women, a Recall Vote, and a Queen where you may view the Transit’s horoscope set for Washington DC, my former city of residence.

Oh, and guess what? Megan Funk has alerted me to a smashingly good resource for all comet and asteroid buffs, Find the Data: Comets and Asteroids, so do check it out as you please!

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