Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘Jupiter enters Pisces 1/17/10

Jupiter to Pisces 1.17.10 @ 8:17 pm est

This evening, Jan 17, 2010, at 8:17 pm est, jolly Jupiter enters Pisces, sign of the Two Fishes, one swimming up into higher realms, one swimming down to the depths. Pisces is, of course, an intuitive Water sign fitting for oceanic themes and events while Aquarius is a mental sign. This change of resonance to Pisces will be quite a difference of expression for the Hierophant, Guru, and abundance-bringer, Jupiter.

In Water signs, Jupiter tends to stimulate and expand inner faith and compassion – kind of a “What the World Needs Now” transit, imo. Opportunities may come along when we follow intuitive yearnings for Jupiter’s offers of reward must be encouraged by taking action.

Emotional reserves are abundant now, something the people of Haiti (and the populace of the next catastrophe) will benefit from once the initial shock of the recent quake softens, if indeed it can. Having Jupiter enter sympathetic Pisces so soon after the disaster will be good for donations since this is a sensitive and sharing placement for the planet of growth and abundance.

In Astrology, Jupiter is said to be dignified in Pisces, its sign of rulership, and brings to the collective a deep desire to be of service (or to escape from life’s difficulties through indulgence in negative behaviors. Abstain!)

The working class (though reduced to more inertia by the day), organized labor, and the have-nots may all benefit in some way during Jupiter’s transit of Pisces which extends to about June 7, 2010 when Jupiter conjoins the Aries Point and lumbers into Mars-ruled Aries for a cameo appearance.

Then it’s back to Pisces around Sept 10, 2010 for a last watery fishing expedition until entering pioneering Aries again on or about Jan 23, 2011. This time frame covers the November 2010 elections when the GOP hopes to squelch the Dems’ hold on the House – Jupiter signifies the R Party while Saturn = the Democratic Party in Mundane Astrology.

My intuition says that unless the R Party reaches down deep in its soul (assuming ‘it’ can be said to have one) and pulls a significant amount of true compassion out of the rabbit’s hat than they’ve hitherto shown, the have-nots won’t be in a mood for another GOP revolution. Too many people are suffering and who honestly could prefer a second Bush-esque nightmare with the Rs’ usual “entitlement” allergies?

Of course, the 2008 financial collapse makes good cover for curtailing benefits for the neediest among us, doesn’t it? Yet wise Jupiter in compassionate Pisces knows intrinsically that, Yes! We really are our brothers’ keepers.

While in dreamy Pisces, Jupiter will have to take risks, including the risk of being severely criticized, in order to promote a higher cause, mission, or goal. So perhaps Jupiter in Pisces will bring a ‘softening’ in some way though one suspects that the GOP probably has enough inner steel to withstand such a change in attitude. (We’ll see!)

This transit means that keeping one’s feet on the ground is a caution and over-inflated egos are distinct possibilities. Yes, ‘inflated egos’ sounds more like the Republican Party members we’ve come to know…or like politicians of any stripe, for that matter.

Well, it’s true that I am of the populist persuasion, so having Jupiter in Pisces seems an improvement for society (as long as ‘abundance of water’ isn’t a problem – except in drought regions please.) This improvement may bring the collective (Pisces) some sorely needed altruistic actions and philanthropy, yet extravagance may be part of the Jupiterian picture as well.

A breadth of vision and an intuitive understanding of others will be noticeable, perhaps especially so when electrified technocrat and genius Uranus joins idealistic Jupiter on June 8, 2010 @ Aries Point. Their hook-up at AP (a World Point of manifestation) is a ‘scientific breakthrough’ indicator; their Great Conjunction/s will repeat twice more into January 2011, but in late degrees of Pisces.

There is a long list of notable folk who were born with Jupiter in Pisces (therefore, a cyclic 12-year Jupiter Return will occur soon for each one, even if they are deceased; their works or names may resurface in the collective imagination or consciousness in a special way (an award?) during this time…very Piscean, the Collective Unconscious!) so let me add a few of their names here:

Stevie Wonder, Michael Jordan, Leon Trotsky, Franz Schubert, Lawrence Welk, Edgar Alan Poe, Louisa May Alcott, Sarah Bernhardt, Bob Hope (there’s a Jupiterian name!), Frank Sinatra, Abdul Baha, Evangeline Adams, Isabel Hickey, and Sigmund Freud.

And if you are an investor, you may wish during this transit to consider putting money (Jupiter) into Piscean-related areas such as oceans, fishing, liquids of all kinds including oil and beverages, pharmaceuticals, shoes, feet, make-up or acting pursuits – or perhaps something Psychology related.

Why, even Fish or Marine-themed Art may be a good investment with Jupiter in Pisces!

May I suggest an underwater browse of botanical fish portraits in my Jude Cowell Art Shop at Zazzle? ;p

Now here’s ‘Black striped butterfish’ to greet you as Jupiter enters Pisces – the little fellow’s portrait is included my 2010 Dreamyfish Art Calendar, as linked above:

‘Black striped butterfish’ drawing by Jude Cowell 2010.

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