Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

A “Frankenstorm” Full Moon and a Scorpio Solar Eclipse

Astro-Notes of Autumn 2012

by Jude Cowell

Well, the colors of the leaves in Georgia had turned nicely but now most have been swept from the trees by this week’s stormy winds. Prior to Hurricane/Cyclone Sandy’s landfall on the East Coast, I posted a few words about it in relation to the Full Moon in Taurus which perfected Monday afternoon, October 29, 2012, and added its influence to the high tides.

But there may also be ‘Sandy’ significance in the horoscope of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in water sign Scorpio if one wishes to find it. Here’s an image of the horoscope set for Washington DC–click the ‘Scorpio’ link to read my astro-notes on this Water-Water eclipse:

Scorpio Solar Eclipse Nov 13, 2012

As you know, “Water-Water” refers to the sign element of the Sun and Moon which are, of course, conjunct during a solar eclipse. This blend of elements is on the feeling-intuitive-imagination level (double Water) and indicates a period when emotions are deep–such as when your home and/or business is flooded away or washed out to sea–and folks become nostalgic about the past. It’s a gut-wrenching time, folks, and my heart goes out to my northern neighbors.

With double Scorpio, clearly reasoned arguments and objectivity may be missing from the collective mood just now which interferes with political choices and confusing (on purpose!) campaign ads but hopefully early voting may have aided with the difficulty. See Storm Boosts Early Voting Turnout in Parts of Ohio.

Yes, a Solar Eclipse in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio is considered karmic (by which I mean, reaping what was sown) and involves such things as intense desires, lack of compromise on strong convictions, sarcasm, jealousy, astute perceptions, loyalty v betrayal, suspicion, cynicism, and zeal for the truth. And yes, death, which has come to victims of Sandy’s wrath. (See SE horoscope’s 8th house with both Mars and Pluto posited there.)

Even the Oct 29th Full Moon horoscope shows potential for loss of life with Mars and Jupiter Angular in the chart (set for D.C. where President Obama returned to monitor storm operations which he has done exceedingly well, last I heard.)

Well, the month of November is always a Scorpionic season, it’s true, but this year the Full Moon in Taurus–with Sun in Scorpio–and the within-range of Sandy (two weeks time frame) Solar Eclipse–have brought intense Scorpio energies more to the front burner than anyone could possibly like. #

Update 11.1.12: the horoscope with details has just been published concerning the Gemini Lunar Eclipse of November 28, 2012, if you’re interested. jc

7 Responses

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  1. Guess we’re all watching scandals and secrets being revealed (Petraeus, etc) under the auspices of the Nov 13th Solar Eclipse in secretive Scorpio…more revelations to come as the Nov 28th Lunar Eclipse nears–in Gemini, sign of the news! jc


    jude cowell

    November 12, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    • I think you are “spot on” (as some people say) about more being revealed. The first eclipse had Scorpionic involvement, and now the second will be Gemini / Sadge. Mutables tend to be chatty to begin with, but Gemini the most of all. And, Sadge tends to have international implications….



      November 19, 2012 at 4:40 am

  2. Hi, Jude,

    Like this piece, and I referenced it on my New Moon piece. Also, there, I have a U.S. map of the New Moon (Eclipse), if you would like to look at (& interpret?) that.




    November 5, 2012 at 9:45 am

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