Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

January 24, 2012: SOTU and SOPA?

January 24, 2012 is shaping up to be an important date in the US with President Obama delivering his State of the Union Address (SOTU) before the TV cameras and a Joint Session of Congress in the evening (9:00 pm ET), and the US Senate said to be voting on the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a freaky piece of legislative gumbledy-gook with an Orwellian hue that will totally re-design the Internet while tossing democracy on the garbage heap of History, thanks to a highly plutocratic USA.

Here’s what I wrote about the Internet power grab recently on Stars Over Washington:

“Our millionaire Senate is set to vote on SOPA on January 24, 2012 and this draconian bill will sail through to a corporate harbor if enough people fail to speak up and out. If it passes then subversive, controlling string-puller Pluto in staid Capricorn will win and we will lose a larger chunk of our republic and our right to exercise free speech than we may yet appreciate.”

That’s just me. But do you blame me?

Now my annual post on the SOTU Address horoscope of January 24, 2012 isn’t published yet but if you have a chance, please check out today’s SO’W entry concerning President Obama’s very current Mars Return 2012 which began this past Saturday, crescendoes and forces acceptance on February 1, 2012, and wraps up–hopefully with real solutions–on June 18, 2012. However, its Martian effects last until the next time Mars returns to its natal position on the evening Barack Obama was born, and times a two-year cycle of new activity beginning for our president, and thus, for America as long as he is It.

Because this is a ‘three-fer’ Mars Return (3x) due to planetary retrogradation, Mr. Obama may have activities and projects left over to deal with, overlapping activities (who wouldn’t in the White House?), stop-and-go delays–all with a drawn out emphasis on Martian matters and issues which need closer consideration than if Mars returned only once.

The three horoscopes (Jan 14-Feb 1-June 18, 2012) may also be read individually by dividing the two-year Martian period into thirds with each Mars Return horoscope representing that third of the two-year period.

However, as you will see if you click above, the Moon makes an excellent timer in any chart and here, a Geminian Luna returns to her natal position in the horoscope of Barack Obama on February 1, 2012–the day of his Rx Mars Return, #2 of 3.

All your on-topic comments are welcome!

2 Responses

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  1. Obama’s Mars Return 2012 was written earlier today and didn’t know th some say Obama was “teleported to Mars” (the planet)–now really, people!!


    Jude Cowell

    January 16, 2012 at 10:28 pm

    • Hey, remember that Bush during his W-House inhabitancy wanted to go to Mars? Of course, both presidents already have bwo Mars, god of war and conflict, a force that has a mighty tight hold on ’em both so that somebody can make lots o’money. And still the Martian warmongering goes on which is something Mars is determined to do…


      Jude Cowell

      January 16, 2012 at 10:33 pm

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